- subroutine TD_DrillStemConfiguration
- Use CStringConfigurationVariables
- Use CNearFloorConnection
- Use CDataDisplayConsoleVariables
- Use CDrillWatchVariables
- Use COperationConditionEnumVariables
- Use CKellyConnectionEnumVariables
- Use TD_DrillStemComponents
- Use TD_WellElements
- Use TD_WellGeometry
- Use TD_StringConnectionData
- Use sROP_Variables
- implicit none
- Integer :: i , j , k , kk , TD_Status
- !====================================================
- ! Drill Stem Components Data Modification
- !====================================================
- !=====> Drill Stem Total Length&Weight Calculation
- TD_DrillStemTotalLength = 0.0d0
- TD_DrillStemTotalLengthIni = 0.0d0
- TD_DrillStemTotalWeight = 0.0d0
- Do i= 1,TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs
- TD_DrillStemTotalLength = TD_DrillStemTotalLength+TD_DrillStems(i)%Length
- TD_DrillStemTotalLengthIni = TD_DrillStemTotalLengthIni+TD_DrillStems(i)%LengthIni
- TD_DrillStemTotalWeight = TD_DrillStemTotalWeight+TD_DrillStems(i)%Weight
- End Do
- !=====> Top&Down Depth Calculation Of Initial Drill Stem Components (Graphic)
- TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepth = TD_DrillStemTotalLength-TD_ConnectionHeight
- TD_DrillStemBottom = TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepth
- if ( TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepth>=TD_WellTotalLength ) then
- !if ( TD_HookHeight>=TD_HookHeightOld .and. Rate_of_Penetration==0. ) then
- ! TD_GRigidConnectionHeight = TD_GRigidConnectionHeight
- !else
- TD_GRigidConnectionHeight = TD_GRigidConnectionHeight-(TD_WellTotalLength-TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepthIniG)
- TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepthIniG = TD_WellTotalLength !???????????
- ! !TD_GRigidConnectionHeight = TD_GRigidConnectionHeight
- !end if
- else
- TD_GRigidConnectionHeight = TD_ConnectionHeight
- TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepthIniG = TD_DrillStemTotalLengthIni-TD_GRigidConnectionHeight
- end if
- !TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepthIniG = TD_DrillStemTotalLengthIni-TD_GRigidConnectionHeight
- !if ( TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepthIniG>TD_WellTotalLength ) then
- ! TD_GRigidConnectionHeight = TD_GRigidConnectionHeight+(TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepthIniG-TD_WellTotalLength)
- ! TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepthIniG = TD_WellTotalLength !???????????
- !end if
- TD_DrillStems(1)%TopDepthIniG = TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepthIniG-TD_DrillStems(1)%LengthIni
- Do i = 2,TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs
- TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepthIniG = TD_DrillStems(i-1)%TopDepthIniG-TD_DrillStems(i)%LengthIni
- TD_DrillStems(i)%DownDepthIniG = TD_DrillStems(i-1)%DownDepthIniG-TD_DrillStems(i-1)%LengthIni
- End Do
- !=====> Top&Down Depth Calculation Of Initial Drill Stem Components (for fluid module)
- if ( TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepthIniG>=(TD_WellTotalLength-.1d0) ) then
- TD_RigidConnectionHeight = TD_GRigidConnectionHeight+(.1d0-(TD_WellTotalLength-TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepthIniG))
- else
- TD_RigidConnectionHeight = TD_GRigidConnectionHeight
- end if
- TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepthIni = TD_DrillStemTotalLengthIni-TD_RigidConnectionHeight
- TD_DrillStems(1)%TopDepthIni = TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepthIni-TD_DrillStems(1)%LengthIni
- Do i = 2,TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs
- TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepthIni = TD_DrillStems(i-1)%TopDepthIni-TD_DrillStems(i)%LengthIni
- TD_DrillStems(i)%DownDepthIni = TD_DrillStems(i-1)%DownDepthIni-TD_DrillStems(i-1)%LengthIni
- End Do
- !=====> Top&Down Depth Calculation Of Drill Stem Components
- TD_DrillStems(1)%TopDepth = TD_DrillStemTotalLength-TD_DrillStems(1)%Length-TD_GRigidConnectionHeight
- TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepth = TD_DrillStemTotalLength-TD_GRigidConnectionHeight
- Do i = 2,TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs
- TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth = TD_DrillStems(i-1)%TopDepth-TD_DrillStems(i)%Length
- TD_DrillStems(i)%DownDepth = TD_DrillStems(i-1)%DownDepth-TD_DrillStems(i-1)%Length
- End Do
- !TD_DrillStemBottom = TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepth
- !=====> Hole Type & Inclination Determination Of Drill Stem Components
- Do i = 1,TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs
- if (TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth .ge. 0.d0) then
- Do j = 1,TD_WellIntervalsCount
- if (TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth>TD_WellGeo(j)%TopDepth .and. TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth<TD_WellGeo(j)%DownDepth) then
- TD_DrillStems(i)%HoleType = TD_WellGeo(j)%HoleType
- if (TD_DrillStems(i)%HoleType == 1) then
- TD_DrillStems(i)%StartAngle = TD_WellGeo(j)%StartAngle+(((TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth-TD_WellGeo(j)%TopDepth)/TD_WellGeo(j)%RCurvature)) ![rad]
- TD_DrillStems(i)%EndAngle = TD_WellGeo(j)%StartAngle+(((TD_DrillStems(i)%DownDepth-TD_WellGeo(j)%TopDepth)/TD_WellGeo(j)%RCurvature))
- TD_DrillStems(i)%RCurvature = TD_WellGeo(j)%RCurvature
- else if (TD_DrillStems(i)%HoleType == 2) then
- TD_DrillStems(i)%StartAngle = TD_WellGeo(j)%StartAngle-(((TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth-TD_WellGeo(j)%TopDepth)/TD_WellGeo(j)%RCurvature))
- TD_DrillStems(i)%EndAngle = TD_WellGeo(j)%StartAngle-(((TD_DrillStems(i)%DownDepth-TD_WellGeo(j)%TopDepth)/TD_WellGeo(j)%RCurvature))
- TD_DrillStems(i)%RCurvature = TD_WellGeo(j)%RCurvature
- else
- TD_DrillStems(i)%StartAngle = TD_WellGeo(j)%EndAngle !Straight
- TD_DrillStems(i)%EndAngle = TD_DrillStems(i)%StartAngle
- end if
- end if
- End Do
- else
- TD_DrillStems(i)%HoleType = 0 !Straight
- TD_DrillStems(i)%StartAngle = 0.0d0
- TD_DrillStems(i)%EndAngle = 0.0d0
- end if
- End Do
- !=====> Hole(Well) Diameter Determination Of Drill Stem Components
- Do i = 1,TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs
- If (TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth>TD_Casing(1)%TopDepth .and. TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth<TD_Casing(1)%DownDepth) then
- TD_DrillStems(i)%HoleDiameter = TD_Casing(1)%Id
- Else if (TD_Liner(1)%Length/=0.d0 .and. TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth>TD_Liner(1)%TopDepth .and. TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth<TD_Liner(1)%DownDepth) then
- TD_DrillStems(i)%HoleDiameter = TD_Liner(1)%Id
- Else if (TD_OpenHole(1)%Length/=0.d0 .and. TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth>TD_OpenHole(1)%TopDepth .and. TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth<TD_OpenHole(1)%DownDepth) then
- TD_DrillStems(i)%HoleDiameter = TD_OpenHole(1)%Id
- Else if (TD_ROPHole(1)%Length/=0.d0 .and. TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth>TD_ROPHole(1)%TopDepth .and. TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth<TD_ROPHole(1)%DownDepth) then
- TD_DrillStems(i)%HoleDiameter = TD_ROPHole(1)%Id !????????? check
- End If
- !=====> Viscosity Correction Coefficient Calculation
- if (TD_DrillStems(i)%HoleType == 1 .or. TD_DrillStems(i)%HoleType == 2) then
- TD_DrillStems(i)%MudVisCorrectCoef = (2.0d0/pi)*atan(sqrt(TD_DrillStems(i)%HoleDiameter**2-(TD_DrillStems(i)%Od**2)) &
- / (TD_DrillStems(i)%Od))*(4.0d0/pi-1.0d0) + 1.0d0
- else if (TD_DrillStems(i)%HoleType == 0) then
- TD_DrillStems(i)%MudVisCorrectCoef = 1.d0
- end if
- End Do
- !=====> Out_of_Well Length Of DrillStem
- if (TD_DrillStems(TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs)%TopDepth<0.) then
- TD_OutOfWellLength = abs(TD_DrillStems(TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs)%TopDepth)
- else
- TD_OutOfWellLength = 0.d0
- end if
- !=====> Near Floor Connection
- Do i = TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs, 1, -1
- if ( TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth<=0.d0 ) then
- TD_NearFloorConnectionNo = i
- TD_NearFloorConnectionHeight = abs(TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth)
- end if
- if (TD_DrillStems(i)%TopDepth>0.d0) then
- exit
- end if
- End Do
- Call Set_NearFloorConnection(real(TD_NearFloorConnectionHeight))
- !=====> Graphic Output
- kk = 0
- k = 0
- Do i= 1,TD_StringConfigurationCount
- k = k+1
- if ( TD_DrillStems(k)%DownDepthIniG>0.d0 ) then
- kk = kk+1
- if (TD_DrillStems(k+TD_DrillStem(i)%Numbs-1)%TopDepthIniG<=0.d0) then
- exit
- end if
- k = k+TD_DrillStem(i)%Numbs-1
- end if
- End Do
- if (allocated(G_StringElement)) deallocate(G_StringElement)
- allocate(G_StringElement(kk))
- k = 0
- Do i= 1,kk
- G_StringElement(kk-i+1)%Id = TD_DrillStem(i)%Id
- G_StringElement(kk-i+1)%Od = TD_DrillStem(i)%Od
- if ( TD_DrillStem(i)%ComponentType>4 ) then
- G_StringElement(kk-i+1)%ComponentType = 3
- else
- G_StringElement(kk-i+1)%ComponentType = TD_DrillStem(i)%ComponentType
- end if
- G_StringElement(kk-i+1)%TopDepth = TD_DrillStems(k+TD_DrillStem(i)%Numbs)%TopDepthIniG
- G_StringElement(kk-i+1)%DownDepth = TD_DrillStems(k+1)%DownDepthIniG
- k = k+TD_DrillStem(i)%Numbs
- End Do
- if (G_StringElement(1)%TopDepth<=0.d0) then
- G_StringElement(1)%TopDepth = 0.d0
- end if
- Call SetString(kk, G_StringElement)
- if(TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepth<0.d0) then
- DrillingWatch%BitPosition = TD_DrillStems(1)%DownDepth
- else
- DrillingWatch%BitPosition = G_StringElement(kk)%DownDepth !???????????
- !if ( G_StringElement(kk)%DownDepth>TD_WellTotalLength ) then
- ! BitPosition = TD_WellTotalLength !???????????
- !end if
- end if
- !print*, 'kk=' , kk
- !Do i=1,kk
- ! print*, 'Number/' , 'downDepth/' , 'topDepth/'
- ! print*, 'ID/' , 'OD/' , 'Type/'
- ! print*, i , G_StringElement(i)%DownDepth , G_StringElement(i)%TopDepth
- ! print*, G_StringElement(i)%Id , G_StringElement(i)%Od , G_StringElement(i)%ComponentType
- !End Do
- !print*, 'Top Joint Height before=' , TD_TopJointHeight
- !=====> Top Joint Height
- if ( Get_OperationCondition()==OPERATION_DRILL .and. Get_KellyConnection() == KELLY_CONNECTION_STRING ) then
- TD_TopJointHeight = abs(TD_DrillStems(TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs-1)%TopDepth)
- !print*, 'TopDepth1=' , TD_DrillStems(TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs-1)%TopDepth
- !print*, 'numb1=' , TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs-1
- !print*, 'TD_TopJointHeight1=' , TD_TopJointHeight
- else
- TD_TopJointHeight = abs(TD_DrillStems(TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs)%TopDepth)
- !print*, 'TopDepth2=' , TD_DrillStems(TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs)%TopDepth
- !print*, 'numb2=' , TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs
- !print*, 'TD_TopJointHeight2=' , TD_TopJointHeight
- end if
- !print*, 'TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs_=' , TD_DrillStemComponentsNumbs
- !print*, 'TD_TopJointHeight_=' , TD_TopJointHeight
- !Print*, 'TD_ConnectionHeight_=' , TD_ConnectionHeight
- !Print*, 'TD_StringConnectionMode_=' , TD_StringConnectionMode
- !
- !print*, 'Top Joint Height after=' , TD_TopJointHeight
- end subroutine