Simulation Core
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41 řádky
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  1. module sROP_Other_Variables
  2. implicit none
  3. ! real(8), parameter :: PI = 3.1415926 ! PI Number
  4. TYPE, PUBLIC :: ROPSpecificationInfo
  5. integer :: FormationNumber
  6. real(8) :: FormationTopDepth
  7. !CHARACTER(len=20) :: filename ! Name of file to open ??????????????????????????????????tuye type bemune ya bere biroon???
  8. INTEGER :: name , status ! I/O status
  9. REAL(8) :: H1, H2, H3, wdmax ! The real value read in
  10. ! $$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$ End of Introduction of Module Inputs $$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$
  11. !character(len = 20) :: Formation_Type = 'Shale' ! Default = Shale
  12. ! -----**-----**-----**-----**-----** Bit Type: *-----**-----**-----**-----**-----
  13. Integer :: BitClass ! Default = Rollar Cone
  14. real(8) :: DiameterOfBit ! unit : [in.] (Typical Range: 3.0 to 30.0)
  15. Integer :: NumberOfBitNozzles ! (Typical Range: 1 to 10)
  16. real(8) :: DiameterOfBitNozzle ! unit : [1/32 in.] (Typical Values: 8.0 to 32.0)
  17. ! -----**-----**-----**-----**-----** End of Bit Type: *-----**-----**-----**-----**-----
  18. real(8) :: CriticalMudDensity ! unit : [ppg] or [lb/gal] (Typical Range: 0 to 10.0)
  19. real(8) :: CriticalWeightOnBit ! unit : [klb] (Typical Range: 0 to 10)
  20. real(8) :: ReynoldsNumber ! unit : [klb] (Typical Range: 0.1 to 1000.0)
  21. ! -----**-----**-----**-----**-----** Other data%State%ROP_Bit%RateofPenetration Model Variables: *-----**-----**-----**-----**-----
  22. real(8) :: f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8
  23. real(8) :: a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8
  24. real(8) :: BrCoef
  25. real(8) :: dt , TouH
  26. ! -----**-----**-----**-----**--- End of Other data%State%ROP_Bit%RateofPenetration Model Variables ---**-----**-----**-----**-----
  27. ! $$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$** End of Variable Definition *$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$
  28. END TYPE ROPSpecificationInfo
  29. end module sROP_Other_Variables