Simulation Core

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  2. !! This subroutine calculates flow rate when pump is off, pump is disconnected from drill pipe
  3. !! and both annulus and drill pipe are exposed to atmosphere pressure and thus a U-tube situation is occurs
  4. !! Record of revisions
  5. !! Date Programmer Discription of change
  6. !! ------ ------------ -----------------------
  7. !! 1396/07/29 Sheikh Original code
  8. !! 1396/08/09 Sheikh Two-side U-tube
  9. !!
  10. USE FricPressDropVarsModule
  11. USE MudSystemVARIABLES
  12. use ConfigurationVariables !@@@
  13. use UTUBEVARSModule
  14. USE Fluid_Flow_Startup_Vars
  16. INTEGER :: i ,j, ibit , ij , ijk
  17. REAL :: AreaBeforeBit !!! Area of element before bit in U-Tube condition [in^2]
  18. UTUBEVARS%QUTubeInput = 1.0
  19. UTUBEVARS%QUTubeOutput = 1.0
  20. data%State%FricPressDrop%TotFricPressLoss = 0
  21. BitPressLoss = 0
  22. UTUBEVARS%PressureDp = 0
  23. UTUBEVARS%PressureAnn = 0
  24. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bit
  25. !!!!!!!!!!!! Calculating Pressure at the bottom of drill string from mud columns in drill pipes and annulus space
  26. UTUBEVARS%PressureDp = SUM(FlowEl(data%State%FricPressDrop%StringFirstEl : data%State%FricPressDrop%StringLastEl)%StaticPressDiff)
  27. UTUBEVARS%PressureAnn = SUM(FlowEl(data%State%FricPressDrop%AnnulusFirstEl : data%State%FricPressDrop%AnnulusLastEl)%StaticPressDiff)
  28. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  29. !!!!!!!!!!!! U tube:: flow from string to annulus
  30. IF ((UTUBEVARS%PressureDp - UTUBEVARS%PressureAnn) > UTubePressTolerance) THEN
  31. DO ijk = 1 , 10
  32. FlowEl(data%State%FricPressDrop%StringFirstEl : data%State%FricPressDrop%AnnulusLastEl)%Flowrate = UTUBEVARS%QUTubeInput
  33. !WRITE (*,*) 'QUTubeInput', FlowEl(AnnulusLastEl)%Flowrate
  34. DO ij = data%State%FricPressDrop%StringFirstEl , data%State%FricPressDrop%AnnulusLastEl !!!!! Updating values of flowrates
  35. CALL FricPressDrop(ij)
  36. CALL PartialDerivativeFricToFlowRate(ij)
  37. !WRITE (*,*) 'FricPressDrop, PartialDerivative', FlowEl(ij)%FricPressLoss, FlowEl(ij)%FricToQPartialDiff, FlowEl(ij)%Length
  38. END DO
  39. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bit pressure drop calculation
  40. IF (BitTrue) THEN
  41. i = data%State%FricPressDrop%NoHorizontalEl + data%State%FricPressDrop%NoStringEl
  42. AreaBeforeBit = FlowEl(i)%Area * Convfttoinch**2
  43. BitPressLoss = FlowEl(i)%density * Convft3toUSgal * (FlowEl(i)%vel**2 * ((AreaBeforeBit/BitTotNozzArea)**2 - 1.)) / 2. / Convlbftolbm / Convfttoinch**2
  44. END IF
  45. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  46. i = data%State%FricPressDrop%NoHorizontalEl + 1
  47. j = data%State%FricPressDrop%NoHorizontalEl + data%State%FricPressDrop%NoStringEl + data%State%FricPressDrop%NoAnnulusEl
  48. data%State%FricPressDrop%TotFricPressLoss = SUM(FlowEl(i : j)%FricPressLoss) + BitPressLoss
  49. IF (ABS((UTUBEVARS%PressureDp - UTUBEVARS%PressureAnn) - data%State%FricPressDrop%TotFricPressLoss) <= UTubePressTolerance .OR. UTUBEVARS%QUTubeInput < 1.0) EXIT ! tolerance set to 1.0 psi
  50. IF ((UTUBEVARS%PressureDp - UTUBEVARS%PressureAnn) > data%State%FricPressDrop%TotFricPressLoss) THEN
  51. UTUBEVARS%QUTubeInput = UTUBEVARS%QUTubeInput + ((UTUBEVARS%PressureDp - UTUBEVARS%PressureAnn) - data%State%FricPressDrop%TotFricPressLoss) / SUM(FlowEl(i : j)%FricToQPartialDiff)
  52. ELSE IF ((UTUBEVARS%PressureDp - UTUBEVARS%PressureAnn) < data%State%FricPressDrop%TotFricPressLoss) THEN
  53. UTUBEVARS%QUTubeInput = UTUBEVARS%QUTubeInput + ((UTUBEVARS%PressureDp - UTUBEVARS%PressureAnn) - data%State%FricPressDrop%TotFricPressLoss) / SUM(FlowEl(i : j)%FricToQPartialDiff)
  54. END IF
  55. !WRITE (*,*) 'QUTubeInput, TotFricPressLoss', QUTubeInput, TotFricPressLoss
  56. !WRITE (*,*) '1) PressureDp, PressureAnn', PressureDp, PressureAnn, TotFricPressLoss, QUTubeInput
  57. END DO
  58. UTUBEVARS%QUTubeOutput = 0.0
  59. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  60. !!!!!!!!!!!! U tube:: flow from annulus to string
  61. ELSE IF ((UTUBEVARS%PressureAnn - UTUBEVARS%PressureDp) > UTubePressTolerance) THEN
  62. DO ijk = 1 , 10
  63. DO ij = data%State%FricPressDrop%NoHorizontalEl + 1 , data%State%FricPressDrop%NoHorizontalEl + data%State%FricPressDrop%NoStringEl + data%State%FricPressDrop%NoAnnulusEl !!!!! Updating values of flowrates
  64. FlowEl(ij)%Flowrate = UTUBEVARS%QUTubeOutput
  65. CALL FricPressDrop(ij)
  66. CALL PartialDerivativeFricToFlowRate(ij)
  67. END DO
  68. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bit pressure drop calculation
  69. IF (BitTrue) THEN
  70. i = data%State%FricPressDrop%NoHorizontalEl + data%State%FricPressDrop%NoStringEl + 1
  71. AreaBeforeBit = FlowEl(i)%Area * Convfttoinch**2
  72. BitPressLoss = FlowEl(i)%density * Convft3toUSgal * (FlowEl(i)%vel**2 * ((AreaBeforeBit/BitTotNozzArea)**2 - 1.)) / 2. / Convlbftolbm / Convfttoinch**2
  73. END IF
  74. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  75. i = data%State%FricPressDrop%NoHorizontalEl + 1
  76. j = data%State%FricPressDrop%NoHorizontalEl + data%State%FricPressDrop%NoStringEl + data%State%FricPressDrop%NoAnnulusEl
  77. data%State%FricPressDrop%TotFricPressLoss = SUM(FlowEl(i : j)%FricPressLoss) + BitPressLoss
  78. IF (ABS((UTUBEVARS%PressureDp - UTUBEVARS%PressureAnn) - data%State%FricPressDrop%TotFricPressLoss) <= UTubePressTolerance) EXIT ! tolerance set to 1.0 psi
  79. IF ((UTUBEVARS%PressureAnn - UTUBEVARS%PressureDp) > data%State%FricPressDrop%TotFricPressLoss) THEN
  80. UTUBEVARS%QUTubeOutput = UTUBEVARS%QUTubeOutput - (((UTUBEVARS%PressureAnn - UTUBEVARS%PressureDp) - data%State%FricPressDrop%TotFricPressLoss) / SUM(FlowEl(i : j)%FricToQPartialDiff))
  81. ELSE IF ((UTUBEVARS%PressureAnn - UTUBEVARS%PressureDp) < data%State%FricPressDrop%TotFricPressLoss) THEN
  82. UTUBEVARS%QUTubeOutput = UTUBEVARS%QUTubeOutput + (((UTUBEVARS%PressureAnn - UTUBEVARS%PressureDp) - data%State%FricPressDrop%TotFricPressLoss) / SUM(FlowEl(i : j)%FricToQPartialDiff))
  83. END IF
  84. !WRITE (*,*) 'QUTubeOutput, TotFricPressLoss', QUTubeOutput, TotFricPressLoss
  85. WRITE (*,*) '2) PressureDp, PressureAnn', UTUBEVARS%PressureDp, UTUBEVARS%PressureAnn, data%State%FricPressDrop%TotFricPressLoss
  86. END DO
  87. UTUBEVARS%QUTubeInput = 0.0
  88. !!!!!!!!!!!! No U-Tube
  89. ELSE
  90. UTUBEVARS%QUTubeInput = 0.0
  91. UTUBEVARS%QUTubeOutput = 0.0
  92. END IF