- module COperationScenariosMain
- use CIActionReference
- implicit none
- public
- ! procedure (ActionVoid), pointer :: UpdateUnityPtr
- contains
- subroutine OperationScenarios_Step
- ! use CSimulationVariables
- use OperationScenariosModule
- use CElevatorConnectionEnum
- use CCloseKellyCockLedNotification
- use CCloseSafetyValveLedNotification
- use CFillMouseHoleLedNotification
- use CIrIBopLedNotification
- use CIrSafetyValveLedNotification
- use CLatchLedNotification
- use COpenKellyCockLedNotification
- use COpenSafetyValveLedNotification
- use CSlipsNotification
- use CSwingLedNotification
- use CTongNotification
- use CUnlatchLedNotification
- use CInstallFillupHeadPermission
- use CInstallMudBucketPermission
- use CIrIbopPermission
- use CIrSafetyValvePermission
- use CRemoveFillupHeadPermission
- use CRemoveMudBucketPermission
- use SoftwareInputsVariables
- ! use CHookHeight
- ! use CIbopHeight
- ! use CNearFloorConnection
- ! use CSafetyValveHeight
- ! use CSlackOff
- ! use CStandRack
- ! use CStringPressure
- ! use CZeroStringSpeed
- use CUnityInputs, only: &
- Get_ElevatorConnectionPossible, &
- Get_JointConnectionPossible, &
- Get_ElevatorPickup, &
- Get_NearFloorPosition, &
- Get_SingleSetInMouseHole
- ! use CBucketEnum
- ! use UnitySignalsModule
- use CElevatorEnum
- ! use CHeadEnum
- use CIbopEnum
- use CKellyEnum
- use CMouseHoleEnum
- use UnitySignalsModule
- use CSafetyValveEnum
- use CSlipsEnum
- use CSwingEnum
- use CTongEnum
- ! use CStringUpdate
- use CFlowPipeDisconnectEnum
- use CFlowKellyDisconnectEnum
- use CFillupHeadPermission
- use CSwingDrillPermission
- use CSwingOffPermission
- use CSwingTiltPermission
- ! use CTdsStemJointHeight
- ! use UnitySignalsModule !for CTdsConnectionModesEnum
- use CTdsElevatorModesEnum
- use CTdsSpineEnum
- use CTdsSwingEnum
- use CTdsTongEnum
- use CTdsBackupClamp
- use CTdsIbopLedNotification
- use CTdsPowerLedNotification
- use CTdsTorqueWrenchLedNotification
- implicit none
- call Evaluate_KellyConnection()
- call Evaluate_ElevatorConnection()
- call Evaluate_CloseKellyCockLed()
- call Evaluate_CloseSafetyValveLed()
- call Evaluate_FillMouseHoleLed()
- call Evaluate_IrIBopLed()
- call Evaluate_IrSafetyValveLed()
- call Evaluate_LatchLed()
- call Evaluate_OpenKellyCockLed()
- call Evaluate_OpenSafetyValveLed()
- call Evaluate_SlipsNotification()
- call Evaluate_SwingLed()
- call Evaluate_TongNotification()
- call Evaluate_UnlatchLed()
- call Evaluate_InstallFillupHeadPermission()
- call Evaluate_InstallMudBucketPermission()
- call Evaluate_IrIbopPermission()
- call Evaluate_IrSafetyValvePermission()
- call Evaluate_RemoveFillupHeadPermission()
- call Evaluate_RemoveMudBucketPermission()
- call Evaluate_MudBucket()
- call Evaluate_Elevator()
- call Evaluate_FillupHead()
- call Evaluate_Ibop()
- call Evaluate_Kelly()
- call Evaluate_MouseHole()
- call Evaluate_MouseHole()
- call Evaluate_OperationCondition()
- call Evaluate_SafetyValve()
- call Evaluate_Slips()
- call Evaluate_Swing()
- call Evaluate_Tong()
- ! call Evaluate_StringUpdate()
- call Evaluate_FlowKellyDisconnect()
- call Evaluate_FlowPipeDisconnect()
- !if(Get_FillMouseHoleLed()) then
- ! call Set_MouseHole(MOUSE_HOLE_FILL)
- !else
- ! if((Get_KellyConnection() == KELLY_CONNECTION_SINGLE .or.&
- ! Get_ElevatorConnection() == ELEVATOR_CONNECTION_SINGLE) .and.&
- ! Get_HookHeight() >= 95.0 ) then
- ! call Set_MouseHole(MOUSE_HOLE_NEUTRAL)
- ! else
- ! call Set_MouseHole(MOUSE_HOLE_EMPTY)
- ! endif
- !endif
- !topdrive
- call Evaluate_TdsElevatorModes()
- call Evaluate_TdsConnectionModes()
- call Evaluate_SwingTiltPermission()
- call Evaluate_SwingOffPermission()
- call Evaluate_SwingDrillPermission()
- call Evaluate_FillupHeadPermission()
- call Evaluate_TdsTong()
- call Evaluate_TdsBackupClamp()
- call Evaluate_TdsSwing()
- call Evaluate_TdsSpine()
- call Evaluate_PowerLed()
- call Evaluate_IbopLed()
- call Evaluate_TorqueWrenchLed()
- end subroutine OperationScenarios_Step
- ! subroutine UpdateUnity()
- ! implicit none
- ! if(associated(UpdateUnityPtr)) call UpdateUnityPtr()
- ! end subroutine
- subroutine Kelly_ConnectionNothing
- ! use CSwingEnumVariables
- ! use CSlipsEnumVariables
- use UnitySignalVariables
- use UnitySignalsModule
- use CHook
- use ConfigurationVariables
- implicit none
- call Set_HookHeight(75.0)
- call sleep(1)
- ! first wait for unity to get to starting point
- loop1: do
- if(Get_Swing() == SWING_WELL_END .and. Get_Slips() == SLIPS_SET_END) exit loop1
- call sleepqq(100)
- enddo loop1
- call sleep(1)
- !TODO: possibly goto a position to activate swing
- ! goto preferred swing position
- if(data%State%unitySignals%Swing_S == SWING_MOUSE_HOLE_END) then
- !@call UpdateUnity()
- loop2: do
- if(Get_Swing() == SWING_MOUSE_HOLE_END) exit loop2
- call sleepqq(100)
- enddo loop2
- elseif (data%State%unitySignals%Swing_S == SWING_RAT_HOLE_END) then
- call Set_Swing(SWING_RAT_HOLE_BEGIN)
- !@call UpdateUnity()
- loop3: do
- if(Get_Swing() == SWING_RAT_HOLE_END) exit loop3
- call sleepqq(100)
- enddo loop3
- !elseif (Swing_S == SWING_WELL_END) then
- ! call Set_Swing(SWING_WELL_BEGIN)
- ! !@call UpdateUnity()
- ! loop4: do
- ! if(Get_Swing() == SWING_WELL_END) exit loop4
- ! call sleepqq(100)
- ! enddo loop4
- endif
- call sleep(3)
- ! move to final hook height
- call Update_HookHeight_From_Snapshot()
- call sleep(3)
- end subroutine Kelly_ConnectionNothing
- subroutine Kelly_ConnectionString
- ! use CSwingEnumVariables
- ! use CSlipsEnumVariables
- use UnitySignalVariables
- use UnitySignalsModule
- use CHook
- use ConfigurationVariables
- ! use CTongEnumVariables
- implicit none
- call Set_HookHeight(75.0)
- call sleep(1)
- ! first wait for unity to get to starting point
- loop1: do
- if(Get_Swing() == SWING_WELL_END .and. Get_Slips() == SLIPS_SET_END) exit loop1
- call sleepqq(100)
- enddo loop1
- call sleep(1)
- ! goto connection to string position
- call Set_HookHeight_S(66.7)
- call sleep(1)
- ! start tong makeup
- call Set_Tong(TONG_MAKEUP_BEGIN)
- !@call UpdateUnity()
- loop2: do
- if(Get_Tong() == TONG_MAKEUP_END) exit loop2
- call sleepqq(100)
- enddo loop2
- call sleepqq(100)
- ! release slips
- call Set_Slips(SLIPS_UNSET_BEGIN)
- !@call UpdateUnity()
- loop3: do
- if(Get_Slips() == SLIPS_UNSET_END) exit loop3
- call sleepqq(100)
- enddo loop3
- call sleepqq(100)
- ! move to final hook height
- call Update_HookHeight_From_Snapshot()
- call sleep(3)
- ! put slips to saved position
- if(data%State%unitySignals%Slips_S == SLIPS_SET_END) then
- call Set_Slips(SLIPS_SET_BEGIN)
- !@call UpdateUnity()
- loop4: do
- if(Get_Slips() == SLIPS_SET_END) exit loop4
- call sleepqq(100)
- enddo loop4
- call sleep(1)
- endif
- end subroutine Kelly_ConnectionString
- subroutine Kelly_ConnectionSingle
- ! use CSwingEnumVariables
- ! use CSlipsEnumVariables
- ! use CTongEnumVariables
- use UnitySignalVariables
- use UnitySignalsModule
- use CHook
- use ConfigurationVariables
- implicit none
- call Set_HookHeight(75.0)
- call sleep(1)
- ! first wait for unity to get to starting point
- loop1: do
- if(Get_Swing() == SWING_WELL_END .and. Get_Slips() == SLIPS_SET_END) exit loop1
- call sleepqq(100)
- enddo loop1
- call sleep(1)
- ! goto swing mouse hole position
- call Set_HookHeight_S(70.0)
- call sleep(1)
- ! swing mouse hole
- !@call UpdateUnity()
- loop2: do
- if(Get_Swing() == SWING_MOUSE_HOLE_END) exit loop2
- call sleepqq(100)
- enddo loop2
- call sleepqq(100)
- ! goto makeup pipe location
- call Set_HookHeight_S(65.0)
- call sleep(1)
- ! start tong makeup
- call Set_Tong(TONG_MAKEUP_BEGIN)
- !@call UpdateUnity()
- loop3: do
- if(Get_Tong() == TONG_MAKEUP_END) exit loop3
- call sleepqq(100)
- enddo loop3
- call sleepqq(100)
- if (data%State%unitySignals%Swing_S == SWING_WELL_END) then ! already in mouse hole
- ! goto swing location
- call Set_HookHeight_S(98.0)
- call sleep(1)
- ! goto preferred swing position
- call Set_Swing(SWING_WELL_BEGIN)
- !@call UpdateUnity()
- loop4: do
- if(Get_Swing() == SWING_WELL_END) exit loop4
- call sleepqq(100)
- enddo loop4
- call sleep(2)
- endif
- ! move to final hook height
- call Update_HookHeight_From_Snapshot()
- call sleep(3)
- end subroutine Kelly_ConnectionSingle
- subroutine Elevator_ConnectionNothing
- ! use CSwingEnumVariables
- ! use CSlipsEnumVariables
- use UnitySignalVariables
- use UnitySignalsModule
- use CHook
- use ConfigurationVariables
- ! use CKellyEnumVariables
- implicit none
- call Set_HookHeight(75.0)
- call sleep(1)
- ! first wait for unity to get to starting point
- loop1: do
- if(Get_Swing() == SWING_WELL_END .and. Get_Slips() == SLIPS_SET_END) exit loop1
- call sleepqq(100)
- enddo loop1
- call sleep(1)
- !TODO: possibly goto a position to activate swing
- !! first goto mouse hole
- !!@call UpdateUnity()
- !loop2: do
- ! if(Get_Swing() == SWING_MOUSE_HOLE_END) exit loop2
- ! call sleepqq(100)
- !enddo loop2
- !call sleep(1)
- !
- !! then goto rat hole
- !call Set_Swing(SWING_RAT_HOLE_BEGIN)
- !!@call UpdateUnity()
- !loop3: do
- ! if(Get_Swing() == SWING_RAT_HOLE_END) exit loop3
- ! call sleepqq(100)
- !enddo loop3
- !call sleep(1)
- ! kelly back
- call Set_Kelly(KELLY_REMOVE)
- call sleepqq(100)
- ! goto preferred swing position
- if(data%State%unitySignals%Swing_S == SWING_MOUSE_HOLE_END) then
- !@call UpdateUnity()
- loop4: do
- if(Get_Swing() == SWING_MOUSE_HOLE_END) exit loop4
- call sleepqq(100)
- enddo loop4
- elseif (data%State%unitySignals%Swing_S == SWING_RAT_HOLE_END) then
- call Set_Swing(SWING_RAT_HOLE_BEGIN)
- !@call UpdateUnity()
- loop5: do
- if(Get_Swing() == SWING_RAT_HOLE_END) exit loop5
- call sleepqq(100)
- enddo loop5
- elseif (data%State%unitySignals%Swing_S == SWING_WELL_END) then
- call Set_Swing(SWING_WELL_BEGIN)
- !@call UpdateUnity()
- loop6: do
- if(Get_Swing() == SWING_WELL_END) exit loop6
- call sleepqq(100)
- enddo loop6
- endif
- call sleepqq(100)
- ! move to final hook height
- call Update_HookHeight_From_Snapshot()
- call sleep(3)
- end subroutine Elevator_ConnectionNothing
- subroutine Elevator_ConnectionString
- implicit none
- end subroutine Elevator_ConnectionString
- subroutine Elevator_ConnectionStand
- implicit none
- end subroutine Elevator_ConnectionStand
- subroutine Elevator_ConnectionSingle
- implicit none
- end subroutine Elevator_ConnectionSingle
- end module COperationScenariosMain