Simulation Core
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  1. module ConfigurationVariables
  2. use CStringConfigurationVariables
  3. use CFormationVariables
  4. use CReservoirVariables
  5. use CShoeVariables
  6. use CAccumulatorVariables
  7. use CBopStackVariables
  8. use CHoistingVariables
  9. use CPowerVariables
  10. use CPumpsVariables
  11. use CRigSizeVariables
  12. use CCasingLinerChokeVariables
  13. use CPathGenerationVariables
  14. use CWellSurveyDataVariables
  15. use CMudPropertiesVariables
  16. type ConfigurationType
  17. Type(StringConfigurationType)::StringConfiguration
  18. Type(FormationType) :: Formation
  19. Type(ReservoirType)::Reservoir
  20. Type(ShoeType)::Shoe
  21. Type(AccumulatorType)::Accumulator
  22. Type(BopStackSpecificationType)::BopStackSpecification
  23. Type(HoistingType)::Hoisting
  24. Type(PowerType)::Power
  25. Type(PumpSpecificationType)::PumpsSpecification
  26. Type(RigSizeType)::RigSize
  27. Type(CasingLinerChokeType)::CasingLinerChoke
  28. Type(PathGenerationType)::PathGeneration
  29. Type(WellSurveyDataType)::WellSurveyData
  30. Type(MudPropertiesType)::MudProperties
  31. end type ConfigurationType
  32. type(ConfigurationType)::Configuration
  33. contains
  34. end module ConfigurationVariables