- # 1 "/mnt/c/Projects/VSIM/SimulationCore2/CSharp/OperationScenarios/Common/OperationScenarios.f90"
- module OperationScenariosModule
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !! Paseted From ....Variables.f90
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ! use OperationScenariosModule !
- ! use OperationScenariosModule !!CElevator...
- ! use COperationScenariosVariables
- use SimulationVariables
- use PermissionsModule
- ! use SoftwareInputsVariables
- use CUnityInputs
- use CUnityOutputs, only: GetRotaryRpm
- use UnitySignalVariables
- use UnitySignalsModule
- use PermissionsModule
- ! use CTdsElevatorModesEnumVariables !
- use CHoistingVariables
- use CTopDrivePanelVariables
- use NotificationModule
- use SoftwareInputsModule
- contains
- subroutine OperationScenariosToJson(parent)
- type(json_value),pointer :: parent
- type(json_core) :: json
- type(json_value),pointer :: p
- ! 1. create new node
- call json%create_object(p,'OperationScenarios')
- ! 2. add member of data type to new node
- call json%add(p,"ElevatorConnection",data%State%OperationScenario%ElevatorConnection)
- call json%add(p,"StringUpdate",data%State%OperationScenario%StringUpdate)
- call json%add(p,"KellyConnection",data%State%OperationScenario%KellyConnection)
- ! 3. add new node to parent
- call json%add(parent,p)
- end subroutine
- ! moved from kellyConnectionEnum
- subroutine Set_KellyConnection(v)
- use CManifolds, Only: KellyConnected, KellyDisconnected
- implicit none
- integer , intent(in) :: v
- #ifdef ExcludeExtraChanges
- if(data%State%OperationScenario%KellyConnection == v) return
- #endif
- data%State%OperationScenario%KellyConnection = v
- if(data%State%OperationScenario%KellyConnection /= KELLY_CONNECTION_STRING) then
- call KellyDisconnected()
- else
- call KellyConnected()
- endif
- #ifdef deb
- print*, 'data%State%OperationScenario%KellyConnection=', data%State%OperationScenario%KellyConnection
- #endif
- !**call data%State%OperationScenario%OnKellyConnectionChange%RunAll()
- end subroutine
- integer function Get_KellyConnection()
- implicit none
- Get_KellyConnection = data%State%OperationScenario%KellyConnection
- end function
- subroutine Evaluate_KellyConnection()
- implicit none
- if (data%Configuration%Hoisting%DriveType == TopDrive_DriveType) then
- # 75
- endif
- if (data%Configuration%Hoisting%DriveType == Kelly_DriveType) then
- # 80
- !if (Get_OperationCondition() == OPERATION_DRILL .and.&
- ! Get_KellyConnection() == KELLY_CONNECTION_SINGLE .and.&
- ! Get_Swing() == SWING_MOUSE_HOLE_END .and.&
- ! Get_TongNotification() .and.&
- ! Get_FillMouseHoleLed() == .false. .and.&
- ! Get_Tong() == TONG_BREAKOUT_END) then
- !
- ! call Set_FillMouseHoleLed(.true.)
- ! return
- !end if
- if (Get_OperationCondition() == OPERATION_DRILL .and.&
- !Get_JointConnectionPossible() .and.&
- Get_KellyConnection() == KELLY_CONNECTION_NOTHING .and.&
- Get_Swing() == SWING_WELL_END .and.&
- !Get_TongNotification() .and.&
- Get_Tong() == TONG_MAKEUP_END) then
- call Set_Tong(TONG_NEUTRAL)
- call Set_KellyConnection(KELLY_CONNECTION_STRING)
- return
- end if
- if (Get_OperationCondition() == OPERATION_DRILL .and.&
- Get_StringPressure() == 0 .and.&
- Get_HookHeight() <= (data%State%OperationScenario%HKL + Get_NearFloorConnection()) .and.&
- Get_KellyConnection() == KELLY_CONNECTION_STRING .and.&
- Get_Swing() == SWING_WELL_END .and.&
- !Get_TongNotification() .and.&
- Get_Tong() == TONG_BREAKOUT_END) then
- call Set_Tong(TONG_NEUTRAL)
- call Set_KellyConnection(KELLY_CONNECTION_NOTHING)
- call Set_SwingLed(.true.)
- return
- end if
- if (Get_OperationCondition() == OPERATION_DRILL .and.&
- !Get_JointConnectionPossible() .and.&
- Get_KellyConnection() == KELLY_CONNECTION_NOTHING .and.&
- Get_Swing() == SWING_MOUSE_HOLE_END .and.&
- !Get_TongNotification() .and.&
- Get_FillMouseHoleLed() .and.&
- Get_Tong() == TONG_MAKEUP_END) then
- call Set_Tong(TONG_NEUTRAL)
- call Set_KellyConnection(KELLY_CONNECTION_SINGLE)
- call Set_SwingLed(.false.)
- call Set_FillMouseHoleLed(.false.)
- call Set_MouseHole(MOUSE_HOLE_NEUTRAL)
- return
- end if
- if (Get_OperationCondition() == OPERATION_DRILL .and.&
- Get_KellyConnection() == KELLY_CONNECTION_SINGLE .and.&
- Get_Swing() == SWING_MOUSE_HOLE_END .and.&
- !Get_TongNotification() .and.&
- Get_FillMouseHoleLed() == .false. .and.&
- Get_Tong() == TONG_BREAKOUT_END) then
- call Set_Tong(TONG_NEUTRAL)
- call Set_KellyConnection(KELLY_CONNECTION_NOTHING)
- call Set_FillMouseHoleLed(.true.)
- call Set_MouseHole(MOUSE_HOLE_NEUTRAL)
- return
- end if
- if (Get_OperationCondition() == OPERATION_DRILL .and.&
- !Get_JointConnectionPossible() .and.&
- Get_KellyConnection() == KELLY_CONNECTION_SINGLE .and.&
- Get_Swing() == SWING_WELL_END .and.&
- !Get_TongNotification() .and.&
- Get_Tong() == TONG_MAKEUP_END) then
- call Set_Tong(TONG_NEUTRAL)
- call Set_KellyConnection(KELLY_CONNECTION_STRING)
- call Set_StringUpdate(STRING_UPDATE_ADD_SINGLE)
- call Set_SwingLed(.false.)
- return
- end if
- if (Get_OperationCondition() == OPERATION_DRILL .and.&
- Get_StringPressure() == 0 .and.&
- Get_HookHeight() > 70.0 .and.&
- Get_KellyConnection() == KELLY_CONNECTION_STRING .and.&
- !Get_TongNotification() .and.&
- Get_Swing() == SWING_WELL_END .and.&
- Get_Tong() == TONG_BREAKOUT_END) then
- call Set_Tong(TONG_NEUTRAL)
- call Set_KellyConnection(KELLY_CONNECTION_SINGLE)
- return
- end if
- endif
- end subroutine
- ! subroutine Subscribe_KellyConnection()
- ! use CDrillingConsoleVariables
- ! use ConfigurationVariables
- ! use ConfigurationVariables
- ! implicit none
- ! call OnBreakoutLeverPress%Add(ButtonPress_Breakout)
- ! call OnMakeupLeverPress%Add(ButtonPress_Makeup)
- ! end subroutine
- subroutine ButtonPress_Breakout()
- implicit none
- # 201
- end subroutine
- subroutine ButtonPress_Makeup()
- implicit none
- # 208
- end subroutine
- subroutine Set_StringUpdate(v)
- implicit none
- integer , intent(in) :: v
- #ifdef ExcludeExtraChanges
- if(data%State%OperationScenario%StringUpdate == v) return
- #endif
- data%State%OperationScenario%StringUpdate = v
- !**call data%State%OperationScenario%OnStringUpdateChange%RunAll(v)
- end subroutine
- integer function Get_StringUpdate()
- implicit none
- Get_StringUpdate = data%State%OperationScenario%StringUpdate
- end function
- real(8) function TJH()
- use TD_DrillStemComponents
- implicit none
- TJH = data%State%TD_String%TopJointHeight
- end function
- real function TL()
- implicit none
- TL = 26.97
- end function
- real function NFC()
- implicit none
- NFC = Get_NearFloorConnection()
- end function
- subroutine Set_ElevatorConnection(v)
- implicit none
- integer , intent(in) :: v
- #ifdef ExcludeExtraChanges
- if(data%State%OperationScenario%ElevatorConnection == v) return
- #endif
- data%State%OperationScenario%ElevatorConnection = v
- #ifdef deb
- print*, 'data%State%OperationScenario%ElevatorConnection=', data%State%OperationScenario%ElevatorConnection
- #endif
- !**call data%State%OperationScenario%OnElevatorConnectionChange%RunAll()
- end subroutine
- integer function Get_ElevatorConnection()
- implicit none
- Get_ElevatorConnection = data%State%OperationScenario%ElevatorConnection
- end function
- end module OperationScenariosModule