- subroutine ROP_MainCalculation
- use sROP_Other_Variables
- use sROP_Variables
- use CStringConfigurationVariables
- use CformationVariables
- ! use CSimulationVariables
- use CDataDisplayConsoleVariables
- use CDrillingConsoleVariables
- use CmudPropertiesVariables
- use CHoistingVariables
- ! use CDrillingConsole
- use CPathGenerationVariables
- use RTable_VARIABLES, only: RTable
- use TD_DrillStemComponents
- use TD_WellGeometry
- use PressureDisplayVARIABLES
- use MudSystemVARIABLES
- use FricPressDropVars
- use CReservoirVariables
- use CWarningsVariables
- use TopDrive_VARIABLES, only: TDS
- use TD_GeneralData
- implicit none
- Integer :: i , zero_ROPcount
- !Real(8) :: Set_ROPGauge
- zero_ROPcount = 0
- No_of_Formations = Formation%Count
- Drilling_verticalDepth = TD_WellTotalVerticalLength
- !===> MaximumWellDepthExceeded Warning
- if ( Drilling_verticalDepth>=(Formation%Formations(Formation%Count)%Top+Formation%Formations(Formation%Count)%Thickness) ) then
- Rate_of_Penetration = 0.0d0
- Call Set_ROP(Rate_of_Penetration)
- Call Activate_MaximumWellDepthExceeded()
- return
- end if
- !=====================================
- if ( FormationNumber/=0 .and. DrillingConsole%HideDrillingBrake==1 ) then ! Hide Drilling Brake Mode
- FormationNumber = FormationNumber
- else
- do i= 1,No_of_Formations
- FormationTopDepth = Formation%Formations(i)%Top
- if (Drilling_verticalDepth>=FormationTopDepth) then
- FormationNumber = i
- end if
- end do
- end if
- !!===> Hide Drilling Brake Mode
- !if ( FormationNumber==FormationNo .and. HideDrillingBrake==1 ) then !????????????
- ! FormationNumber = FormationNo-1
- !end if
- !!=============================
- !Bit_Class = BitDefinition%BitCode !????????????
- call Bit_Specification
- ! $$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$** Variables Initialization: *$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$
- Diameter_of_Bit = StringConfiguration%BitDefinition%BitSize ! unit : [in.] (Typical Range: 3.0 to 30.0)
- Number_of_Bit_Nozzles = StringConfiguration%BitDefinition%BitNozzleNo ! (Typical Values: 1 to 10)
- Diameter_of_Bit_Nozzle = StringConfiguration%BitDefinition%BitNozzleSize ! unit : [inch] *** basic input: [1/32 in.] (Typical Range: 8.0 to 32.0)
- Critical_Mud_Density = Formation%Formations(FormationNumber)%PorePressureGradient/.465d0*9.d0 ! ????????? delete ,unit : [ppg] or [lb/gal] (Typical Range: 0 to 10.0)
- FormationMud_Density = Formation%Formations(FormationNumber)%PorePressureGradient/0.052d0
- BottomHole_Pressure = PressureGauges(3) !5200 [psi]
- ECD = BottomHole_Pressure/(0.052*Drilling_verticalDepth)
- Critical_Weight_on_Bit = (Formation%Formations(FormationNumber)%ThresholdWeight/5.d0)-(.06d0*(Formation%Formations(FormationNumber)%ThresholdWeight-10.d0)) ! unit : [klb/in] (Typical Range: 0 to 10 ----> 0.6 to 2)
- ! Mud_Viscosity = FlowEl(NoHorizontalEl + NoStringEl)%mueff !13.5 [cP]
- Mud_Density = MudSystem%BitMudDensity ! [ppg]
- Mud_Viscosity = 13.5 ! [cP]
- !Mud_Density = 9.2 ! [ppg]
- Mud_Flowrate = MudSystem%StringFlowRateFinal ! [gpm]
- Reynolds_Number = Mud_Flowrate*Mud_Density/(Mud_Viscosity*Number_of_Bit_Nozzles*Diameter_of_Bit_Nozzle) ! unit : [dimensionless] (Typical Range: 0.1 to 1000.0)
- ! $$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$ End of Variable Initialization $$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$
- ! -----**-----**-----**-----**-----* Rate_of_Penetration Model Coefficients: *-----**-----**-----**-----**-----
- a1 = log(Formation%Formations(FormationNumber)%Drillablity)
- a2 = 1.2799d-04
- a3 = 1.7952d-04
- a4 = 4.0656d-05
- a5 = 2.9021d-01
- a6 = 9.4882d-02
- a7 = 2.1837d-01
- a8 = 4.4915d-01
- dt = 0.1d0 ![s]
- Tou_H = Formation%Formations(FormationNumber)%Abrasiveness*3600.d0 ! [hr]--->[s] ( Typical Range: 1<Abrasiveness<100 )
- ! -----**-----**-----**-----**--- End of Rate_of_Penetration Model Coefficients ---**-----**-----**-----**-----
- ! $$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$** Main Calculations: *$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$**$$$$$
- f1 = Formation%Formations(FormationNumber)%Drillablity ! 1<=Drillability<=100 [ft/h]
- f2 = exp(2.303d0*a2*(10000.d0 - Drilling_verticalDepth)) ! First Compaction Vairable
- f3 = exp(2.303d0*a3*(Drilling_verticalDepth**0.69d0)*(FormationMud_Density-9.d0)) ! Second Compaction Vairable
- if ( (2.303d0*a4*Drilling_verticalDepth*(FormationMud_Density-ECD))>=0.d0 ) then
- f4 = exp(2.303d0*a4*Drilling_verticalDepth*(FormationMud_Density-ECD)) ! Underbalance Drilling Variable
- else
- f4 = 1.0d0
- end if
- if (TD_WeightOnBit>0.d0) then
- Weight_on_Bit = TD_WeightOnBit/1000.d0 ![klb]
- else
- Weight_on_Bit = 0.d0
- end if
- if ( (Weight_on_Bit/Diameter_of_Bit)<Critical_Weight_on_Bit ) then
- f5 = 0.0d0
- else
- f5 = ( ((Weight_on_Bit/Diameter_of_Bit)-Critical_Weight_on_Bit)/(4.d0-Critical_Weight_on_Bit) )**a5
- end if
- if (Hoisting%DriveType==1 .and. RTable%Speed>0.d0) then
- Rotary_Speed = RTable%Speed ![rpm]
- else if (Hoisting%DriveType==0 .and. (TDS%Speed>0. .or. RTable%Speed>0.)) then
- Rotary_Speed = TDS%Speed+RTable%Speed ![rpm]
- else
- Rotary_Speed = 0.0d0
- end if
- f6 = (Rotary_Speed/100.d0)**a6
- f7 = exp(-a7*Bit_Wearing)
- Call JetImpactForce
- f8 = JetImpact_Force/1000.d0
- Rate_of_Penetration = (f1*f2*f3*f4*f5*f6*f7*f8) ![ft/h]
- Rate_of_Penetration = (DINT(Rate_of_Penetration*10.d0))/10.d0
- if ( (TD_WellTotalLength==PathGeneration%Items(PathGeneration%ItemCount)%MeasuredDepth) ) then
- Set_ROPGauge = Rate_of_Penetration
- Call Set_ROP(Set_ROPGauge) ![ft/h]
- Old_ROPValue(4) = Rate_of_Penetration
- !print* , 'first rop=' , Old_ROPValue , Rate_of_Penetration ,&
- ! zero_ROPcount , Set_ROPGauge , Old_ROPDepth , TD_WellTotalLength , PathGenerations(PathGenerationCount)%MeasuredDepth
- else if ( ((TD_WellTotalLength+(Rate_of_Penetration*TD_TimeStep/3600.d0))-Old_ROPDepth)>=0.1 ) then
- do i= 1,4
- if ( Old_ROPValue(i)==0. ) then
- zero_ROPcount = zero_ROPcount+1
- end if
- end do
- Set_ROPGauge = (Rate_of_Penetration+Old_ROPValue(1)+Old_ROPValue(2)+Old_ROPValue(3)+Old_ROPValue(4))/sngl(5-zero_ROPcount)
- Call Set_ROP(Set_ROPGauge) ![ft/h]
- do i= 2,4
- Old_ROPValue(i-1) = Old_ROPValue(i)
- end do
- Old_ROPValue(4) = Rate_of_Penetration
- Old_ROPDepth = TD_WellTotalLength+(Rate_of_Penetration*TD_TimeStep/3600.d0)
- !print* , 'new rop=' , Old_ROPValue , Rate_of_Penetration ,&
- ! zero_ROPcount , Set_ROPGauge , Old_ROPDepth , TD_WellTotalLength , PathGenerations(PathGenerationCount)%MeasuredDepth
- else
- Call Set_ROP(Set_ROPGauge) ![ft/h]
- !print* , 'old rop=' , Old_ROPValue , Rate_of_Penetration ,&
- ! zero_ROPcount , Set_ROPGauge , Old_ROPDepth , TD_WellTotalLength , PathGenerations(PathGenerationCount)%MeasuredDepth
- end if
- if (Rotary_Speed > 0.d0) THEN
- Bit_Torque = ( 3.79d0 + 19.17d0*sqrt( Rate_of_Penetration / (Rotary_Speed*Diameter_of_Bit)) ) * Diameter_of_Bit * Weight_on_Bit * ( 1.d0 / ( 1.d0 + 0.00021d0*Drilling_verticalDepth) )
- !Bit_Torque = Bit_Torque/3. !bi dalil taghsim bar 3 shode(chon adad bozorg bude), baadan az rabete check shavad (seyyed gofte)
- else
- Bit_Torque = 0.d0
- end if
- if ( (Weight_on_Bit/Diameter_of_Bit)<(w_d_max) ) then
- Bit_Wearing = Bit_Wearing +( (dt*H3/Tou_H)*((Rotary_Speed/100.d0)**H1)*((w_d_max-4.d0)/(w_d_max-(Weight_on_Bit/Diameter_of_Bit)))*((1.d0+(H2/2.d0))/(1.d0+(H2*Bit_Wearing))) )
- else
- Bit_Wearing = 1.0d0 !( Typical Range: 0<=Bit_Wearing<=1 )
- end if
- Bearing_Wear = Bearing_Wear+(dt/3600.d0)*(Rotary_Speed/100.d0/Br_Coef)*((Weight_on_Bit/4.d0/Diameter_of_Bit)**1.5d0)
- !print*, 'Rate_of_Penetration=', Rate_of_Penetration
- !!print*, 'FormationMud_Density=', FormationMud_Density
- !!print*, 'ECD=', ECD
- !!print*, 'Drilling_verticalDepth=', Drilling_verticalDepth
- !!print*, 'power=', (2.303*a4*Drilling_verticalDepth*(FormationMud_Density-ECD))
- !print*, 'Rotary_Speed=', Rotary_Speed
- !!
- !print*, 'f1=', f1
- !print*, 'f2=', f2
- !print*, 'f3=', f3
- !print*, 'f4=', f4
- !print*, 'f5=', f5
- !print*, 'f6=', f6
- !print*, 'f7=', f7
- !print*, 'f8=', f8
- !print*, '***********************'
- end subroutine