MODULE TD_DrillStemComponents
    Use CDownHoleVariables
    TYPE, PUBLIC :: TD_StringInfo
        INTEGER    :: StringConfigurationCount , DrillStemComponentsNumbs , DrillStemForceType
        INTEGER    :: NoHorizontalMudElements , NoStringMudElements , NoCasingMudElements
        REAL(8)    :: DrillStemTotalLength , DrillStemTotalLengthIni , OutOfWellLength , DrillStemTotalWeight , DrillStemBottom
        REAL(8)    :: DrillStemAxialVelocity , DrillStemRotVelocity , TopJointHeight
        REAL(8)    :: WeightOnBit , BitTorque , TotalTorque , StaticHookLoad , DlMax , DlTotal , DlTouch
        REAL(8)    :: HookLoad , StringTorque
        REAL(8)    :: ToolJointRange
        real(8) , allocatable :: FluidMudDensity(:) , FluidMudEndX(:) , FluidMudStartX(:)
        !          Separated Parts of the Drill Stem
        INTEGER    :: NearFloorConnectionNo
        REAL(8)    :: NearFloorConnectionHeight
    END TYPE TD_StringInfo

!             Drill Stem Components Info
    TYPE, PUBLIC :: TD_DrillStemInfo
        INTEGER  :: Numbs , ComponentType
        REAL(8)     :: Length , TopDepth , DownDepth , Od , Id , WeightperLength , TotalLength , TotalWeight
    END TYPE TD_DrillStemInfo

!          Separated Parts of the Drill Stem
    TYPE , PUBLIC :: TD_SeparatedDrillStemInfo
        !=========> Elements Geometry
        INTEGER :: HoleType , ComponentType
        REAL(8)    :: Length , TopDepth , DownDepth , Od , Id , Area , Weight , WeightperLength , StartAngle , EndAngle
        REAL(8)    :: RCurvature , RtoolJoint , HoleDiameter , ToolJointRange
        !=========> Elements initial Geometry
        REAL(8)    :: LengthIni , TopDepthIni , DownDepthIni , StartAngleIni , EndAngleIni
        !=========> Elements initial Geometry (graphic)
        REAL(8)    :: TopDepthIniG , DownDepthIniG
        !=========> Pipes Properties
        REAL(8)    :: Density , ElasticModule
        !=========> Forces Info
        REAL(8)    :: Force1 , Force2 , Torque , Drag , CombVelRatio
        !=========> Mud Properties
        REAL(8)    :: MudDensityIn , MudDensityOut , MudViscosity , MudVisCorrectCoef , BouyancyFactor , MudWeight , MudPlasticVis , MudYieldPoint
        !=========> Viscous Drag Force
        REAL(8)    :: FricFactor , DiamRatio , MudClingingConst , PipeVelocity , AveEffVelocity , ReNumber , Dp_Dl
        !=========> Hook Load
        REAL(8)    :: StaticHookLoad , TotalSHookLoad , Dl , DlTotal
    END TYPE TD_SeparatedDrillStemInfo

!          Add&Remove DrillStem Components
    TYPE , PUBLIC :: TD_AddRemoveInfo
        INTEGER :: IBOPNewAdd , IBOPOldAdd , SafetyValveNewAdd , SafetyValveOldAdd , KellyNewAdd , KellyOldAdd
        INTEGER :: IBOPNewRemove , IBOPOldRemove , SafetyValveNewRemove , SafetyValveOldRemove , KellyNewRemove , KellyOldRemove
        INTEGER , Dimension(19) :: KellyOldStatus , KellyNewStatus
        !integer :: TD_KellyOldStatus1 , TD_KellyNewStatus1 , TD_KellyOldStatus2 , TD_KellyNewStatus2 , TD_KellyOldStatus3 , TD_KellyNewStatus3
        !integer :: TD_KellyOldStatus4 , TD_KellyNewStatus4 , TD_KellyOldStatus5 , TD_KellyNewStatus5 , TD_KellyOldStatus6 , TD_KellyNewStatus6
        !integer :: TD_KellyOldStatus7 , TD_KellyNewStatus7 , TD_KellyOldStatus8 , TD_KellyNewStatus8
        !integer :: TD_KellyOldStatus9 , TD_KellyNewStatus9 , TD_KellyOldStatus10 , TD_KellyNewStatus10
        !integer :: TD_KellyOldStatus11 , TD_KellyNewStatus11 , TD_KellyOldStatus12 , TD_KellyNewStatus12
        !integer :: TD_KellyOldStatus13 , TD_KellyNewStatus13 , TD_KellyOldStatus14 , TD_KellyNewStatus14
        !integer :: TD_KellyOldStatus15 , TD_KellyNewStatus15 , TD_KellyOldStatus16 , TD_KellyNewStatus16 , TD_KellyOldStatus17 , TD_KellyNewStatus17
        !integer :: TD_KellyOldStatus18 , TD_KellyNewStatus18 , TD_KellyOldStatus19 , TD_KellyNewStatus19
    END TYPE TD_AddRemoveInfo

!             Graphic Output Info
    !TYPE, PUBLIC :: CStringComponent
    !    Integer :: ComponentType
    !    REAL(8) :: Length , TopDepth , DownDepth , Od , Id
    !END TYPE CStringComponent

!             Removed-Volume Variables
    TYPE , PUBLIC :: TD_RemovedVolumeInfo
        Integer :: PreCount
        REAL(8) :: RemoveVolume , PreElementVolume , PreElementLength
    END TYPE TD_RemovedVolumeInfo
END MODULE TD_DrillStemComponents