MODULE FricPressDropVarsModule
    !!      Record of revisions
    !!          Date            Programmer          Discription of change
    !!         ------          ------------        -----------------------
    !!        1396/07/26        Sheikh              Original code

    TYPE :: FricPressDropVarsTYPE
        REAL :: TotFricPressLoss        ! Total Frictional Pressure Loss [psi]
        REAL :: FlowrateNearShoe
        INTEGER :: NoHorizontalEl       ! number of elements in horizontal pump to string line
        INTEGER :: NoStringEl           ! number of elements in string
        INTEGER :: NoAnnulusEl          ! number of elements in annulus space
        INTEGER :: NoWellToChokeEl      ! number of elements in well head to choke manifold
        INTEGER :: NoOpenHoleEl         ! number of elements in openhole
        INTEGER :: NumbEl               ! number of flow elements in horizontal line, string, annulus and openhole
        INTEGER :: StringFirstEl        ! number of first string element
        INTEGER :: StringLastEl         ! number of last string element
        INTEGER :: AnnulusFirstEl       ! number of first annulus element
        INTEGER :: AnnulusLastEl        ! number of last annulus element
        INTEGER :: ChokeFirstEl         ! number of first choke element
        INTEGER :: ChokeLastEl          ! number of last choke element
        INTEGER :: OpenholeFirstEl      ! number of first openhole element
        REAL :: KBOP                    ! DeltaPBOP = KBOP * Q**2 [psi * min^2 / gal^2]
        REAL :: KBit                    ! DeltaPBit = KBit * Q**2 [psi * min^2 / gal^2]
        !!!! Choke Variables
        REAL :: BackPressure , NewBackPressure          ! back pressure at riser or choke line [psi]
        REAL :: Kchoke                  ! DeltaPchoke = Kchoke * Q**2 [psi * min^2 / gal^2]
        REAL :: TotalOpenChokeArea , OldTotalOpenChokeArea , ChokeBypassArea , NewTotalOpenChokeArea , AreaChange
        REAL :: BHPSafetyMargin , AChBHPTol             ! BHP safety margin and BHP Tolerance in Auto Choke mode [psi]
        REAL(8) :: OnShakerDensity             ! Outlet Density of well for displaying in drillwatch and data [ppg]
        LOGICAL :: FloatValveIn
        LOGICAL :: FloatValveOpen , FloatValveWasOpen
        LOGICAL :: BitTotallyPluged
        REAL :: StMudVol                            ! Total mud volume of Horizontal and String that may be compressed [gal]
        REAL :: AnnMudVol                           ! Total mud volume of Bottom hole, Annulus and Choke line that may be compressed [gal]
        REAL :: PumpToManifoldMudVol
        REAL :: StCompressedMudVol                  ! Compressed mud volume in Horizontal and String [gal]
        REAL :: AnnCompressedMudVol                 ! Compressed mud volume in Bottom hole, Annulus and Choke line [gal]
        REAL :: PumpToManifoldCompressedMudVol
        REAL :: StDeltaPDueToCompressibility        ! Pressure increase due to mud compressibility in Horizontal and String [psi]
        REAL :: AnnDeltaPDueToCompressibility       ! Pressure increase due to mud compressibility in Bottom hole, Annulus and Choke line [psi] (usually when wellhead is closed)
        REAL :: PumpToManifoldDeltaPDueToCompressibility
        REAL :: StDeltaPtoDeltaVCompressibility         ! string pressure change due to compressibility [psi/gal]
        REAL :: AnnDeltaPtoDeltaVCompressibility        ! annulus and openhole pressure change due to compressibility [psi/gal]
        !!!! Problem Variables (Choke and Bit)
        INTEGER :: ManChoke1Plug , ManChoke2Plug      ! = 1 if choke is plugged , = 0 else
        INTEGER :: ManChoke1Washout , ManChoke2Washout      ! = 1 if choke is washed out , = 0 else
        INTEGER :: BitJetsPlugged , BitJetsWashedOut
        INTEGER :: CasingPressure_DataDisplayMalF, CasingPressure_ChokeMalF

        !!!!!! Note that bit is not an element in these calculations
    END TYPE FricPressDropVarsTYPE

    INTEGER :: ShoeFlowElNo         ! the flow element that starts from shoe, in other word the number of upper element adjacent to shoe
    REAL :: ClingingFactor = 0.45               ! in calculating surge and swab pressure changes
    REAL :: MudCompressibility = 2.7E-6         ! Volumne change relative to Volume/1psi, for example for change of 1000 psi in pressure, volume changes 0.27% [1/psi]
    REAL :: FloatValveMinOpenPressure = 1.0     ! minimum pressure that opens the float valve [psi]

    TYPE, PUBLIC :: PressDropCalcElemInfo
        !! Geometrical variables
        REAL(8) :: Length                           ! Length of a Flow element [ft]
        REAL(8) :: DepthDiff                        ! Difference between depth of start and end of element [ft]
        REAL(8) :: StartX , EndX                    ! start and end point (measured depth) of flow element [ft]
        REAL(8) :: StartTVD , EndTVD                ! Start and End point True Vertical Depth of flow element [ft]
        REAL :: Od , Id , Dhyd                      ! Outer, Inner and hydraulic diameter of flow element [in]
        REAL :: Area                                ! area of element [ft^2]
        INTEGER :: alpha                            ! geometry factor: 0 = pipe (ID=0)   ,   1 = annulus
        INTEGER :: FrictionDirection                ! = 1 if flowrate is positive, so frictional pressure gradient is in direction of preassumed
                                                    ! flowrate, = -1 if not above condition usually in Swab conditions
        !! Flow variables
        INTEGER :: MaterialType                        ! = 0 for mud , = 2 for gas
        REAL :: volume , vel , density , FlowRate   ! volume [ft^3], velocity [ft/s], density of fluid flow [ppg], flow rate [gpm]
        REAL :: Gf                                  ! geometry shear rate correction [-]
        !! Rheological and frictional variables        
        REAL :: Theta600 , Theta300                 ! Fann data at 600 and 300 rpm as rheological data
        ! REAL(8) :: VelCritBing , VelCritPow       ! critical velocity in Bingham Plastic and Power law model [ft/min]
        REAL :: muPlastic , YieldP                  ! plastic viscosity [cp] and yield point [lbf/(100*ft^2)]
        REAL :: mueff                               ! Effective or apparent viscosity which is used in calculation of generalized Reynolds number
        REAL :: nIndex , kIndex                     ! n: flow behaivior index [-] and k: consistency factor [lbf*s^n/(100*ft^2)]
        REAL :: gammaW , tauW                       ! shear rate at the wall [1/s] and wall shear stress [lbf/(100*ft^2)]
        REAL :: GenRe                               ! generalized Reynolds number in power law model [-]
        REAL :: ReCrit = 2100.0                     ! Critical Reynolds number for Newtonian model and Bingham plastic model
        REAL :: ReCritLam , ReCritTurb              ! laminar and turbulent critical Reynolds
        REAL :: f                                   ! Fanning friction factor [-]
        REAL :: a , b                               ! parameters for calculationg friction factor in turbulent regime for power law model [-]
        LOGICAL :: LaminarRegime                    ! = .TRUE. if flow regime is laminar and = .FALSE. if flowregime is not
        LOGICAL :: TurbulentRegime                  ! = .TRUE. if flow regime is turbulent and = .FALSE. if flowregime is not
        !! Pressure change variables
        REAL :: StartPress , EndPress               ! Pressure at start and end of an element [psi]
        REAL :: dPdLFric                            ! frictional pressure drop gradient in each element [psi/ft]
        REAL :: dPdLGrav                            ! gravitional pressure gradient = 0.052 * Density [psi/ft]
        REAL :: FricPressLoss                       ! frictional pressure loss in each element [psi]
        REAL :: StaticPressDiff                     ! static pressure difference between top and bottom of a pocket [psi] always positive
        REAL :: FricToQPartialDiff                  ! partial differentiation of friction relative to volume flow rate
     END TYPE PressDropCalcElemInfo
     TYPE (PressDropCalcElemInfo) , ALLOCATABLE :: FlowEl(:)   ! FlowEl: Pressure Drop Calculation Elements The dimension is equal to the number of flow elements
     TYPE, PUBLIC :: FinalPressDropCalcElemInfo
         !!! for use in calculationg properties of a point in 'downhole view' page
        REAL(8) :: StartX , EndX , StartTVD , EndTVD , Length , DepthDiff       ! start and end point of flow element [ft]
        REAL :: density                                     ! density of fluid flow [ppg], flow rate [gpm]
        REAL :: StartPress                                  ! Pressure at start of an element [psi]
        REAL :: EndPress                                    ! Pressure at end of an element [psi]
        REAL :: dPdLFric                                    ! frictional pressure drop gradient in each element [psi/ft]
        REAL :: dPdLGrav                                    ! gravitional pressure gradient = 0.052 * Density [psi/ft]
     END TYPE FinalPressDropCalcElemInfo
     TYPE (FinalPressDropCalcElemInfo) , ALLOCATABLE :: FinalFlowEl(:)   ! FlowEl: Pressure Drop Calculation Elements The dimension is equal to the number of flow elements

END MODULE FricPressDropVarsModule

        REAL :: QUTubeInput         ! flow rate from string to annulus which caused by head difference at two sides of U-tube [gpm]
        REAL :: QUtubeOutput        ! flow rate from annulus to string which caused by head difference at two sides of U-tube [gpm]
        REAL :: PressureDp          ! pressure at bit or end of drill string from drill string path [psi]
        REAL :: PressureAnn         ! pressure at bit or end of drill string from annular path [psi]
SUBROUTINE DeallocateFlowTypes
    USE FricPressDropVarsModule
    use PressureDisplayVARIABLESModule
    use KickVARIABLESModule
        IF (ALLOCATED(FlowEl))                                  DEALLOCATE(FlowEl)
        IF (ALLOCATED(FinalFlowEl))                             DEALLOCATE(FinalFlowEl)
        IF (ALLOCATED(GasPocketWeight%Array))                   CALL GasPocketWeight%Empty()
        IF (ALLOCATED(GasPocketNewPress%Array))                 CALL GasPocketNewPress%Empty()
        IF (ALLOCATED(GasPocketOldPress%Array))                 CALL GasPocketOldPress%Empty()
        IF (ALLOCATED(GasPocketNewTemp%Array))                  CALL GasPocketNewTemp%Empty()
        IF (ALLOCATED(GasPocketOldTemp%Array))                  CALL GasPocketOldTemp%Empty()
        IF (ALLOCATED(GasPocketNewVol%Array))                   CALL GasPocketNewVol%Empty()
        IF (ALLOCATED(GasPocketOldVol%Array))                   CALL GasPocketOldVol%Empty()
        IF (ALLOCATED(GasPocketdeltaVol%Array))                 CALL GasPocketdeltaVol%Empty()
        IF (ALLOCATED(GasPocketModifiedVol%Array))              CALL GasPocketModifiedVol%Empty()
        IF (ALLOCATED(GasPocketFlowInduced%Array))              CALL GasPocketFlowInduced%Empty()
        IF (ALLOCATED(GasPocketDensity%Array))                  CALL GasPocketDensity%Empty()
        IF (ALLOCATED(GasPocketCompressibility%Array))          CALL GasPocketCompressibility%Empty()
        IF (ALLOCATED(KickVARIABLES%GasPocketFlowEl))           DEALLOCATE(KickVARIABLES%GasPocketFlowEl)
        IF (ALLOCATED(KickVARIABLES%KickJacobian))              DEALLOCATE(KickVARIABLES%KickJacobian)
        IF (ALLOCATED(KickVARIABLES%OldKickJacobian))           DEALLOCATE(KickVARIABLES%OldKickJacobian)
        IF (ALLOCATED(KickVARIABLES%KickVandPFunction))         DEALLOCATE(KickVARIABLES%KickVandPFunction)
        IF (ALLOCATED(KickVARIABLES%KickUnknownVector))         DEALLOCATE(KickVARIABLES%KickUnknownVector)
        IF (ALLOCATED(KickVARIABLES%KickCorrectionVector))      DEALLOCATE(KickVARIABLES%KickCorrectionVector)
END SUBROUTINE DeallocateFlowTypes