subroutine Drawworks_StartUp Use CDrillingConsoleVariables Use CHoistingVariables Use Drawworks_VARIABLES !Use CWarningsVariables IMPLICIT NONE Integer :: jj, ii StringIsBottomOfWell = 0 ! 1=string is at the bottom of the well !===> Hook Height Drawworks%Hook_Height_ini = 75.0d0 ![ft] Drawworks%Hook_Height_ini_graph_output = -1.54090d0 ![ft] Drawworks%Hook_Height_inim = 0.3048*Drawworks%Hook_Height_ini ![m] Drawworks%Hook_Height = Drawworks%Hook_Height_inim ![m] Drawworks%Hook_Height_final = 75.0 ![ft] !===> Drum (Drawworks) Diameter Drawworks%Diameter = 2.50d0 ![ft] Drawworks%Diameter = 0.3048*Drawworks%Diameter ![m] !===> Number of Line Drawworks%NumberOfLine = NumberOfLine !===> Inertia Moment (Drawworks) Drawworks%Inertia_Moment = 23.261341 ! 23.261341 [kg.m^2] = 552 [Ib.ft^2] !Drawworks%J_coef = Drawworks%Inertia_Moment+(9.*(Drawworks%Inertia_Moment)) Drawworks%J_coef = 1200.0d0 ![kg.m^2] !===> Simulation time step Drawworks%time_step = 0.10d0 !CrownCollision = 0 !FloorCollision = 0 !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Transmission Ratio <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< DO ii=-1,1 !ii=clutch mode DO jj=-1,1 !jj=transmission mode if (ii==0 .or. jj==0) then Drawworks%FWD_Conv_Ratio(ii,jj) = 1. end if End DO End DO Drawworks%FWD_Conv_Ratio(1,1) = 1.0d0/.380 Drawworks%FWD_Conv_Ratio(1,-1) = 1.0d0/.2170 Drawworks%FWD_Conv_Ratio(-1,1) = 1.0d0/.110 Drawworks%FWD_Conv_Ratio(-1,-1) = 1.0d0/.0630 DW_OldTransMode = DWTransmisionLever DW_OldClutchMode = DWClutchLever !===> motor variables Drawworks%w_drum = 0. Drawworks%w_old_drum = 0. Drawworks%w = 0. Drawworks%w_old = 0. Drawworks%ia = 0. Drawworks%ia_old = 0. Drawworks%x = 0. Drawworks%x_old = 0. Drawworks%y = 0. Drawworks%y_old = 0. Drawworks%motion = 0 end subroutine Drawworks_StartUp