Simulation Core

CRigSize.f90 1.6 KiB

2 years ago
  1. module CRigSize
  2. use SimulationVariables
  3. use json_module
  4. implicit none
  5. public
  6. contains
  7. subroutine RigSizeToJson(parent)
  8. type(json_value),pointer :: parent
  9. type(json_core) :: json
  10. type(json_value),pointer :: p
  11. ! 1. create new node
  12. call json%create_object(p,'RigSize')
  13. ! 2. add member of data type to new node
  14. ! call StringConfigurationToJson(p)
  15. ! call FormationToJson(p)
  16. call json%add(p,"RigType",data%Configuration%RigSize%RigType)
  17. call json%add(p,"CrownHeight",data%Configuration%RigSize%CrownHeight)
  18. call json%add(p,"MonkeyBoandHeight",data%Configuration%RigSize%MonkeyBoandHeight)
  19. call json%add(p,"RigFloorHeight",data%Configuration%RigSize%RigFloorHeight)
  20. ! 3. add new node to parent
  21. call json%add(parent,p)
  22. end subroutine
  23. subroutine RigSizeFromJson(parent)
  24. use json_module,IK =>json_ik
  25. type(json_value),pointer :: parent
  26. type(json_core) :: json
  27. type(json_value),pointer :: p,pitems,pitem,pval,pbit
  28. call json%get(parent,'RigSize',p)
  29. call json%get(p,"RigType",pitem)
  30. call json%get(pitem,data%Configuration%RigSize%RigType)
  31. call json%get(p,"CrownHeight",pitem)
  32. call json%get(pitem,data%Configuration%RigSize%CrownHeight)
  33. call json%get(p,"MonkeyBoandHeight",pitem)
  34. call json%get(pitem,data%Configuration%RigSize%MonkeyBoandHeight)
  35. call json%get(p,"RigFloorHeight",pitem)
  36. call json%get(pitem,data%Configuration%RigSize%RigFloorHeight)
  37. end subroutine
  38. end module CRigSize