123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264 |
- module Simulator
- use Bop
- use PumpsMain
- use RopMain
- use RotaryTableMain
- use DrawworksMain
- use FluidFlowMain
- use TorqueDragMain
- use MudSystemMain
- use PipeRams1Main
- use PipeRams2Main
- use KillLineMain
- use ChokeLineMain
- use BlindRamsMain
- use AnnularMain
- use TopDriveMain
- use CManifolds
- use GeoMain
- use ChokeControlMain
- use COperationScenariosMain
- ! For Json read and write
- use CStringConfiguration
- use CFormation
- use CReservoir
- use CShoe
- use CAccumulator
- use CBopStack
- use CHoisting
- use CPower
- use CPumpsVariables
- use CRigSize
- use CCasingLinerChoke
- use CPathGeneration
- use CWellSurveyData
- ! use CMudProperties
- use :: json_module, rk => json_rk
- implicit none
- real :: a1, a2, a3, a4
- real(kind=rk), allocatable :: x0(:)
- type(json_file) :: jsonfile
- logical :: is_found
- real T1,T2
- contains
- subroutine Simulate
- integer :: t
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- t=0
- call write_variables()
- ! call init_modules()
- call cpu_time(T1)
- do while (t<0)
- !!read variable from shared file
- call read_variables()
- exit
- !! Tarmigh, Now merged with TorqueDrag (FluidFlow)
- ! call Rop_Step()
- !! Rafiee, nothing changed
- call BopStack_Step()
- !! Tarmigh, now is rewritten
- call Pump1_Step()
- !call Pump2_Step()
- !! Rafiee
- call ChokeControl_Step()
- !! Location ./Equipment/Rotarytable
- !! Variables:
- !! Does not have step function
- !! Call RTable_StartUp in the start
- !! Again has a loop in each step
- !! Tarmigh, now is rewritten
- call RotaryTable_Step()
- !! Location ./Equipment/Drawworks
- !! Variables:
- !! Does not have step function
- !! Call ..._StartUp in the start
- !! Again has a loop in each step
- !! Tarmigh, now is rewritten
- call Drawworks_Step()
- !! Empty nothing called
- !! Merged in FluidFlow
- ! call TorqueDrag_Step()
- !! Location: ./Equipment/MudSystem
- !! Variables: MudSystem_variables.f90 and MudSystem.f90
- !! Step function simply calls LineupAndPath in MudSystem.f90
- !! had not startUp
- !! Rafiee
- call MudSystem_Step()
- !! Location ./Equipment/BopStack
- !! Variables: VARIABLES,CBopStackVariables,CBopControlPanelVariables,CEquipmentsConstants
- !! Step function added, only call PIPE_RAMS1 and 2 function
- !! BOP_StartUp commented
- !! Rafiee
- call PipeRams1_Step()
- call PipeRams2_Step()
- !! Location ./Equipment/BopStack
- !! Variables: VARIABLES,CBopStackVariables,CBopControlPanelVariables,CEquipmentsConstants,CAccumulatorVariables,CSimulationVariables
- !! Step function added, only call PIPE_RAMS1 and PIPE_RAMS2 function
- !! BOP_StartUp commented
- !! Rafiee
- call KillLine_Step()
- !! Probably like other bopstack equipments
- !! Rafiee
- call ChokeLine_Step()
- call BlindRams_Step()
- call Annular_Step()
- !!Tarmigh. Step must rewrittem
- call TopDrive_Step()
- !!Empty
- ! call Geo_Step()
- !!Ahmadi
- call PathFinding_Step()
- !! Sheikh
- !call FluidFlow_Step()
- !! Ahmadi
- call OperationScenarios_Step()
- !! Write variables to shared files
- call write_variables()
- print *,"t=",t
- t = t + 1
- end do
- call cpu_time(T2)
- print *,"Total Execution Time =",t2-t1
- end subroutine Simulate
- subroutine write_variables
- use CAccumulator
- implicit none
- type(json_core) :: json
- type(json_value),pointer :: p
- print *,"write starts"
- call json%create_object(p,'') !create the root
- call ConfigurationToJson(p)
- call json%print(p,'test.json') !write it to a file
- call json%destroy(p) !cleanup print *,"written"
- print *,"write ends"
- end subroutine
- subroutine read_variables
- type(json_core) :: json
- call jsonfile%initialize()
- print *,"Starting read"
- ! ! Load the file.
- call jsonfile%load_file('config.json'); if (jsonfile%failed()) stop
- print *,"read complete"
- call jsonfile%get('t0', a1, is_found); if (.not. is_found) return
- call jsonfile%get('dt', a2, is_found); if (.not. is_found) return
- call jsonfile%get('tf', a3, is_found); if (.not. is_found) return
- call jsonfile%get('mu', a4, is_found); if (.not. is_found) return
- call jsonfile%get('x0', x0, is_found); if (.not. is_found) return
- if (is_found) then
- print *, a1,a2,a3,a4
- print *, x0
- end if
- call jsonfile%destroy()
- end subroutine
- subroutine init_modules
- !Tarmigh
- call Pump1_Init()
- !call Pump2_Step()
- call RotaryTable_Init()
- call Drawworks_Init()
- call TopDrive_Init()
- !Nothing in init (and step)
- ! call Rop_Init()
- ! call TorqueDrag_Init()
- ! call Geo_Step()
- !! Rafiee
- call BopStack_Init()
- call ChokeControl_Init()
- call MudSystem_Init()
- !Again calls Bop_Startup
- ! call PipeRams1_Init()
- ! call PipeRams2_Step()
- ! call KillLine_Step()
- ! call ChokeLine_Step()
- ! call BlindRams_Step()
- ! call Annular_Step()
- !! Sheikh
- !call FluidFlow_Init()
- !! Ahmadi
- call PathFinding_Init()
- ! Calls OSInitialization and that sub only subscribes some notif
- ! call OperationScenarios_Init()
- end subroutine init_modules
- subroutine ConfigurationToJson(parent)
- type(json_value),pointer :: parent
- type(json_core) :: json
- type(json_value),pointer :: p
- ! 1. create new node
- call json%create_object(p,'Configuration')
- ! call AccumulatorToJsonToJson(p)
- ! 2. add member of data type to new node
- call StringConfigurationToJson(p)
- call FormationToJson(p)
- call ReservoirToJson(p)
- call ShoeToJson(p)
- call AccumulatorToJson(p)
- call BopStackToJson(p)
- call HoistingToJson(p)
- call PowerToJson(p)
- call PumpsToJson(p)
- call RigSizeToJson(p)
- call CasingLinerChokeToJson(p)
- call PathGenerationToJson(p)
- ! call WellSurveyDataToJson(p)
- ! call MudPropertiesToJson(p)
- ! 3. add new node to parent
- call json%add(parent,p)
- end subroutine
- !use this as a template
- subroutine SomeDSToJson(parent)
- type(json_value),pointer :: parent
- type(json_core) :: json
- type(json_value),pointer :: p
- ! 1. create new node
- call json%create_object(p,'Configuration')
- ! 2. add member of data type to new node
- ! call StringConfigurationToJson(p)
- ! call FormationToJson(p)
- ! call json%add(p,"",data%Configuration%Formation%Formations(i)%Abrasiveness)
- ! 3. add new node to parent
- call json%add(parent,p)
- end subroutine
- end module Simulator