123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215 |
- subroutine Kick_Influx ! is called in subroutine CirculationCodeSelect
- Use GeoElements_FluidModule
- USE CMudPropertiesVariables
- use CDrillWatchVariables
- !use CTanksVariables, TripTankVolume2 => DrillingWatch%TripTankVolume, TripTankDensity2 => TripTankDensity
- USE sROP_Other_Variables
- USE sROP_Variables
- Use KickVariables
- implicit none
- !===========================================================WELL============================================================
- !===========================================================WELL============================================================
- !write(*,*) 'Kick Influx'
- !=================== Bottom Hole Kick Influx ENTRANCE(due to Kick) ===================
- Kick_Density= 2
- NewInflux_Density= Kick_Density
- if ( NewInfluxElementCreated==0 ) then ! new kick is pumped- (it is set to zero in sheykh subroutine after a new kick influx)
- call Op_Density%AddToFirst (NewInflux_Density)
- call Op_MudDischarged_Volume%AddToFirst (0.0d0)
- call Op_Mud_Forehead_X%AddToFirst (Xstart_OpSection(1))
- call Op_Mud_Forehead_section%AddToFirst (1)
- call Op_Mud_Backhead_X%AddToFirst (Xstart_OpSection(1))
- call Op_Mud_Backhead_section%AddToFirst (1)
- call Op_RemainedVolume_in_LastSection%AddToFirst (0.0d0)
- call Op_EmptyVolume_inBackheadLocation%AddToFirst (0.0d0)
- call Op_MudOrKick%AddToFirst (NewInfluxNumber) ! KickNumber= NewInfluxNumber
- NewInfluxElementCreated= 1
- endif
- Op_MudDischarged_Volume%Array(1)= Op_MudDischarged_Volume%Array(1)+ ((GasKickPumpFlowRate/60.0d0)*DeltaT_Mudline) !(gal) due to KickFlux
- !write(*,*) 'kick volume ok=' , Op_MudDischarged_Volume%Array(1)
- end subroutine Kick_Influx
- subroutine Instructor_CirculationMud_Edit ! is called in subroutine CirculationCodeSelect
- Use KickVariables
- Use MudSystemVARIABLES
- USE TD_DrillStemComponents
- Use CUnityInputs
- Use CUnityOutputs
- USE CKellyConnectionEnumVariables
- use sROP_Variables
- use sROP_Other_Variables
- use CDownHoleVariables
- implicit none
- if ( AnnDrillMud == .true. .and. (Rate_of_Penetration>0. .and. DeltaVolumeOp>0.0) ) then
- do imud= 1, Ann_Density%Length()
- if ( Ann_MudOrKick%Array(imud) == 0 ) then
- Ann_Density%Array(imud)= (St_Density%Last() * AnnulusFlowRate + 141.4296E-4*Rate_of_Penetration*Diameter_of_Bit**2)/(AnnulusFlowRate+6.7995E-4*Rate_of_Penetration*Diameter_of_Bit**2)
- Ann_CuttingMud%Array(imud)= 1
- endif
- enddo
- endif
- if ( AnnCirculateMud == .true. ) then
- do imud= 1, Ann_Density%Length()
- if ( Ann_MudOrKick%Array(imud) == 0 ) then
- Ann_Density%Array(imud)= ActiveTankDensity
- Ann_CuttingMud%Array(imud)= 0
- endif
- enddo
- do imud= 1, St_Density%Length()
- St_Density%Array(imud)= ActiveTankDensity
- enddo
- endif
- end subroutine Instructor_CirculationMud_Edit
- subroutine ShoeLostSub ! is called in subroutine CirculationCodeSelect
- Use KickVariables
- Use MudSystemVARIABLES
- USE TD_DrillStemComponents
- Use CUnityInputs
- Use CUnityOutputs
- USE CKellyConnectionEnumVariables
- use sROP_Variables
- use sROP_Other_Variables
- use CDownHoleVariables
- use CShoeVariables
- USE PressureDisplayVARIABLES
- Use CWarningsVariables
- implicit none
- ShoeLost= .false.
- Kickexpansion_DueToMudLost= .false.
- ShoeMudPressure= PressureGauges(5)
- UGBOSuccessionCounter = UGBOSuccessionCounter + 1
- !write(*,*) 'check point 1'
- if (Shoe%InactiveFracture == .FALSE. .AND. ((ShoeMudPressure >= FormationLostPressure) .or. ShoeFractured )) then
- !write(*,*) 'check point 2 ,UGBOSuccessionCounter' , UGBOSuccessionCounter
- ! if ShoeFractured changed to true , then time counter is not needed more
- if ( UGBOSuccessionCounter /= UGBOSuccessionCounterOld+1 .and. ShoeFractured==.false. ) then
- UGBOSuccessionCounter = 0 ! also in starup
- UGBOSuccessionCounterOld = 0 ! also in starup
- return
- else
- UGBOSuccessionCounterOld= UGBOSuccessionCounter
- endif
- if ( UGBOSuccessionCounter < 10 .and. ShoeFractured==.false.) then
- return
- endif
- !write(*,*) 'check point 3 ,UGBOSuccessionCounter' , UGBOSuccessionCounter
- ShoeFractured= .true.
- ShoeMudViscosity= MAX(ShoeMudViscosity, 12.d0)
- !write(*,*) 'ShoeMudDensity , ShoeMudViscosity' , ShoeMudDensity , ShoeMudViscosity
- ShoeLostCoef = 10.**(-8) * 1.15741d0 * 7.08d0 * 1000000.d0 * 1.d0 * ShoeMudDensity / &
- (ShoeMudViscosity * LOG(10000.d0))
- !write(*,*) 'lost parameters 1' , ShoeMudPressure , FormationLostPressure
- Qlost = MAX( (ShoeLostCoef * (ShoeMudPressure - (FormationLostPressure/2.0))) , 0.d0 )
- if (Qlost > 0.0) then
- ShoeLost= .true.
- else
- ShoeLost= .false.
- endif
- !write(*,*) 'Qlost=' , Qlost, ShoeMudPressure, FormationLostPressure
- call Activate_UndergroundBlowout()
- do imud= 1, Ann_Mud_Forehead_X%Length()
- IF ( ShoeLost .and. Shoe%ShoeDepth < Ann_Mud_Backhead_X%Array(imud) .and. Shoe%ShoeDepth >= Ann_Mud_Forehead_X%Array(imud) &
- .and. Ann_MudOrKick%Array(imud) == 0 .and. WellHeadIsOpen == .FALSE. ) then
- Kickexpansion_DueToMudLost= .true.
- write(*,*) 'Kickexpansion_DueToMudLost'
- enddo
- endif
- if (UndergroundBlowout == .false.) ShoeLost= .false.
- end subroutine ShoeLostSub